其中的詩引子,如果讓詩的朗誦和音樂結合....? 會有不一樣的可能性?
開幕活動 Opening Event │ 詩引子把你引來
“Word, World, Would” Wants YOU!
活動日期 Date │10/2 (Sun 日) 14:00-16:00
出席作家 Participating Writers│小熊老師、白靈、宇文正、顏艾琳、韋瑋、陳麗娟、謝三進
T. Bear, Bailing, Yu Wen Cheng, Ai-Lin Yen,Wei Way, Lai-Kuen Chan, Shan-Ching Hsieh
地點 Venue │麵引子街屋二樓(自由入場)
2F, “Four Hands” House (Free Entrance)
內容 Content │介紹策展概念及參與作家、藝術家,導覽麵引子街屋、詩引子街屋及其周邊,作家現場朗讀作品,「瓶中詩」示範作發表。暖場詩聲,由青春歌手:陳瑋儒、王俞+陳郁如,唱給你聽。
We would like to introduce our curating concept, writers and artists. Also, we will have atour walking around the spaces of “Four Hands” House and “Word, World, Would” House.Participating writers will declaim their poems. To warm up, we also invite Wei-Roo Chen,Vivian Wang, and Brook Chen to sing for us!